Friday, May 9, 2008

A Modern Day Brady Bunch

I'm starting this blog for our big blended well as our larger extended family.
Truth be told I am at a PR Bootcamp in NYC and learning how to do a blog which I can utlize on or company homepage. Little does our CEO know what is coming his way!!! Thought I'd better give it a whirl first before introducing it to the folks at corporate. Anyway, thought this would be a cool way for our family and friend to keep up with or crazy brood.....and at times it will be a grat way for us to keep up with each other. Jonathan and I have seven children between us.
I have three boys Sean Daniel and Liam (17, 13 and 10) Jonathan has two sons Will and Ben both in their 20's who we don't see a whole lot.......and Jenna 16 and Madeline 11. As you can imagine this is a pretty crazy household with LOTS of activity. Sean will be going to college in the fall (we hope!.....let's graduate first) and this wold be a good way to keep everyone updated on all the comings and goings.
I look forward to sharing our many adventures....and know the children will prove to be terrific bloggers as well.


Meredith Doherty said...

Love this idea and the Brady Bunch was my favorite show!! Maybe this blog spot can take place of the family party? Just kidding.. .we all love the HALL-idays! We love the Hall/Halloran clan very much!

Jenna Hall said...

Can I start this now?

golferguy said...

Very active blog for sure!